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Pain-Free โ€“ Extension / 166.-CHF

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6 Pain-Free Seminar Extension Package for a deeper knowledge and benefit from my targeted guidance

2 Std.Sternenweg


Welcome, Your curiosity has led you to my Pain-Free Seminar Expansion Package. I am very pleased that you want to engage with your challenges in the long term. Hereโ€™s some information for you. The expansion package offers you the opportunity to regularly participate in the pain-free seminars and explore new inspirations and insights over six sessions. The topics vary monthly and cover various aspects of pain management, body awareness, and holistic well-being. Each session stands alone and gives you the space to discover at your own pace what is helpful for you. This offer is aimed at anyone who is continuously looking for new impulses and wants to actively shape their path to a higher quality of life. ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ’ซ Simply choose a date of your choice on the 17th of each month. You have 9 months to do so. I look forward to welcoming you to my seminar soon.

Bevorstehende Sessions

Umbuchung & Kรผndigung

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  • Schmerztherapie Andrea Tschanz, Sternenweg, Oensingen, Switzerland


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Andrea Tschanz

Schmerztherapie & Harmonische Verbindung
von analytischer und intuitiver Heilung

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