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Pain-Free – Annual Package / 333.-CHF

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Annual 12 months Pain Free Seminars for increased mobility, less pain, and sustainable well-being.

2 Std.Sternenweg


Your enthusiasm has led you to my Pain-Free Seminar Annual Package. I am very pleased that you want to engage with your challenges in such a long-term way. Here’s some information for you. With the annual package, you ensure regular participation in the pain-free seminars and stay connected month after month with new approaches and topics related to chronic pain and autoimmune disorders. Each seminar stands alone and offers you different perspectives that can help improve your handling of pain. This package is ideal if you want to regularly take time for yourself and continuously gather inspiration for your journey. I look forward to accompanying you month by month! 💫 Simply choose a date of your choice on the 17th of each month. You have 16 months to do so. I look forward to welcoming you to my seminar soon.

Bevorstehende Sessions

Umbuchung & Kündigung

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  • Schmerztherapie Andrea Tschanz, Sternenweg, Oensingen, Switzerland


Flügel Logo Andrea Tschanz

Andrea Tschanz

Schmerztherapie & Harmonische Verbindung
von analytischer und intuitiver Heilung

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