Hypnosis Initial Consultation – Your first step towards inner change through hypnosis
In your initial consultation, I offer you a protected space where you can openly discuss your wishes and concerns. You will immerse yourself in the experience of a hypnotic journey that helps you master your challenges. Whether it is about A as in allergies or other difficulties up to Z as in obsessive-compulsive disorders – many issues can be resolved with hypnotherapy. This journey can take you through various levels, whether into forgiveness work or into reincarnation therapy. I will accompany you on this path and support you in experiencing the changes you strive for.
Price: 227 CHF
Maximum Duration: 110 minutes
o Individual discussion about your wishes
o Hypnotic trance journey to address your personal concerns
o Audio recording of the session for reflection
I would be happy to create a home audio guide tailored specifically to your process, which you can optionally book for 30 CHF.
I look forward to accompanying you on your journey toward inner change and taking the first step together.
With Love Andrea
Umbuchung & Kündigung
Es gelten die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen
Schmerztherapie Andrea Tschanz, Sternenweg, Oensingen, Switzerland
Andrea Tschanz
Schmerztherapie & Harmonische Verbindung
von analytischer und intuitiver Heilung