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The Role of Self-Reflection in the Healing Process


Introduction and Importance of Self-Reflection

Introduction and Importance of Self-Reflection

Dear Friends of Change,

I am delighted to welcome you to my blog series about the role of self-reflection in the healing process. Over the next four parts, I will delve into various aspects of self-reflection and show you how it can help you control your thoughts, break negative spirals, and set positive impulses for successful healing.

Controlling Thoughts and Breaking Negative Spirals

Controlling Thoughts

Gaining control over your thoughts is a crucial step in the healing process. This doesn't mean you should never have negative thoughts; rather, it means learning to recognize them and not be controlled by them. Through mindfulness and meditation, you can train yourself to observe your thoughts without judgment and then consciously steer them in a positive direction.

Breaking Negative Spirals

Diagnoses, unpleasant treatments, and painful therapy forms can lead to negative thought spirals. These spirals often reinforce themselves, leading to a vicious cycle of fear, stress, and suffering. Self-reflection helps you recognize and interrupt these spirals.

Practical Exercises and Techniques

Here, I want to share a small practical exercise with you: take a few minutes each day to reflect on your own feelings. Consciously give these feelings peace and satisfaction. Observe what happens when you give your feelings love and satisfaction. You will find that something will change. It cannot be otherwise.

The Benefits of Visualization

Visualizing Healing

Imagining your own healing can support the healing process. Visualizations can strengthen the immune system and stimulate the body to heal itself. Regular visualization exercises can set positive energy and healing processes in motion.

Beautiful Moments of the Past and Future

Visualizing beautiful moments from the past can evoke positive emotions and enhance your well-being. Similarly, imagining beautiful future events can generate hope and joy. These positive emotions are essential for your healing.

Things You Want to Experience or Plan

By imagining things you want to experience or plan, you set positive impulses free in your mind. These impulses can motivate you and strengthen your commitment to the healing process. It is important not to feel any lack or doubt about the realization. View these images as if you were watching a movie that simply brings you joy.

Joy and Contentment as Core Feelings

Joy and contentment are central feelings that support the healing process. Through self-reflection and visualization, you can cultivate these feelings and promote your healing.

Positive Emotions and Their Effects

Positive emotions such as joy and contentment have been shown to have positive effects on your health. They can reduce stress, strengthen the immune system, and accelerate the healing process. Self-reflection helps you recognize and foster these positive emotions.

Self-reflection helps you recognize and turn around negative thought and feeling spirals. Joy and contentment are the core feelings you should cultivate. By giving your feelings love and contentment, you will find that something will change. It cannot be otherwise.

I hope that through this blog series, you will gain valuable insights and tools for your own healing process. Remember, self-reflection and positive visualization are powerful means to promote your health and well-being.

Next Friday, in Part 2, you will receive more tools and deeper explanations of the individual techniques. To provide you with further support, I am also pleased to announce my free content seminars, which will take place on October 3rd in German and on October 10th in English. Additionally, I offer an Energy Healing Session on October 2nd in English and on October 16th in German. Comprehensive information on these topics will be released on my YouTube channel on October 9th, and a guided session is planned for October 23rd.

Until then, stay or become healthy and positive! And make use of Rainbow Time on Monday. Just write your name in the comments of the Rainbow Post on my social media channels.

Warm regards,

Your Andrea

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Andrea Tschanz

Painmanagement & Harmonious Integration
of Analytical and Intuitive Healing

Sternenweg 2a

4702 Oensingen
+4131 972 48 65

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