This month I dedicated my topics on social media channels to the functions between body, mind and soul.
What influences do our thoughts have on the biology of the brain? We talked about how our neural networks in the brain can develop and degenerate again depending on which neurons fire with each other. This creates the image that when we create our thoughts and these thoughts are connected with corresponding feelings, the old connections dissolve again when we stop fueling them.
We talked about our inner world and how the feelings and thoughts we have determine our everyday life on the outside. That what we are inside shows itself on the outside and not the other way around.
These approaches are also for me as a hypnosis and talk therapist a constant basis of my own development. When I started looking for other solutions a few years ago because I could hardly move, I could not have imagined that my development would only open up ways for me to work as a therapist myself by changing my thoughts. I didn't dare to think about the idea of one day no more pain, let alone believe in it.
Experience has taught me that it depends much more on who and what we are inside than on the external circumstances. That much of what we do on the outside becomes our reality. Does my personality create my personal reality or does my personal reality create my personality? If you haven't read this blog yet, I've dedicated the whole last blog to this topic.
In the last two years, despite the many trainings and further education, I have still put a lot of focus on the external circumstances. I built up physical symptoms and contracted a herniated disc in my cervical spine that made my right hand numb. I have undergone countless examinations, MRI and nerve conduction examinations and submitted countless applications, the answer to which I am still waiting today. I have made my life more and more dependent on the shortcomings that led me to make myself dependent. This is the path that everyone can imagine and that everyone is afraid of.
But these ideas are based on the experiences and emotions of my past and if I hold on to these ideas and emotions, my past is projected into my future over and over again.
Why? Well, because nothing new is added!
Hypnotherapy is a tool that can detach feelings from an idea we have and combine that idea with a new positive feeling. This is how e.B. hypnosis works for anxiety.
It's not about removing the fear. Fear is a good symptom that protects us from many dangers. But if this fear determines our lives, as it has been with me with the pain, hypnosis helps to evaluate this fear differently. Fear is number 1 in all challenges! If we are able to control this fear, we are also able to control our symptoms.
We talked about how proteins nourish our cells and how much the food they receive also depends on the emotions and feelings.
All these connections have influences on body, mind and soul. About whether we are satisfied with our lives or not. While a few weeks ago I sat in front of the PC with a lot of resistance to write such blogs, today it is easy for me to share this added value of experiences from my life with you, because it is no longer important to me what you think about these lines. These are experiences that have changed my life so much in a few weeks that I only want to share them with you for the reason that I know how effective they can be and what this training can do.
I was born with a genetically untrained hip and spent most of my childhood recovering from surgery. This was followed by many years of daily pain and a struggle for survival. Not physically, but financially and professionally. I can admit to myself today that I fought for 50 years and didn't really achieve much.
Sitting here today, writing these blogs and being able to share my knowledge through my posts has become a redemption and letting go of struggle and survival mode for me.
Yes, I admit, my "1:1 session" has a value and my "long-term" offers (if you can speak of long-term at six months) are not exactly the special offer from the supermarket that you try for a weekend. They require a clear decision from my clients to take a new path and to let changes in life grow into a habit. Hypnosis is not a magic remedy. It is a process that can enable you to accept all your challenges, to look at them objectively and to release yourself emotionally from the limitations, brakes and the resulting self-doubts.
For me, it is no longer a job, but a way of life. Or as Dr. Joe Dispenza puts it, it's life according to the model of quantum physics. Feelings and emotions have an energy and as Einstein said: "It is the energy that changes matter and not the particles."
Just because we have challenges that seem immutable doesn't mean we can't be happy with it. And once we are happy with it, who knows where this happiness will lead and what can change in the process.
Creating your thoughts and giving wings to your life is a phrase you've seen from me more often lately. It's not a sentence from a marketing project. This sentence has become the truth for me.
I still can't run longer distances today. They are even still very limited, because the bones simply have their edges and traces and do not interlock like the gears of a Swiss precision watch. But if you had told me 5 years ago that I would jet through Oensingen with an electric scooter, then I would have laughed at you and said "keep dreaming". Well, maybe we'll see each other somewhere in the area when I'm not sitting in the office and motivating people to create their thoughts to give life wings. If you are one of the people who has been struggling with challenges in vain for years, then use my free consultation now. To do this, you can fill out the contact form or find me via any of the other links.
Maybe you also suffer from allergies and allergic reactions? Then follow me on Instagram or Facebook. This month will share a lot of valuable information on the subject of allergies.
No day is a bad day to start with a happy life.
Create your gene thanks and give your life wings!